Adeleh Mohammadi

Adeleh has received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering-Control Systems at Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) and graduated with honors in 2009, 2011 respectively. She moved to Europe in 2012 and continued her career as a researcher in control systems, simulation, design and applying the control methods in real life applications, e.g.: process control industry. She performed research in the area of Robust Model Predictive Control in KULeuven, Belgium in cooperation with process control industry company IPCOS and participated in several workshops, and conferences in optimization, optimal and model predictive control in Europe.
She joined the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Galway in 2016 to work under the supervision of Dr. Marcus Keane (IRUSE). Her research aims at improving energy efficiency and optimizing energy consumption in District Cooling Systems(DCS) based on the real-life implementation of optimal and model predictive control on developed Modelica models. This research looks closely at the generation system of DCS mainly chillers and cooling towers since these units are the main consumers of energy in DCS generation. The proposed control strategies are applied on real-life applications of INDIGO projects to demonstrate the effectiveness of the models and control methods.