SINERGY: Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management


The mission of SINERGY is to strengthen the existing research capacity and further unlock the innovation potential of the Institute Mihajlo Pupin - IMP (Serbia) in one of the most important research areas of today – Smart Energy Management. The instruments and coherent measures foreseen by the WIDESPREAD-05-2020 Topic will be fully exploited during SINERGY, aiming to unlock the research potential and improve IMP’s research competitiveness, turning it into a regional ”point of reference” in the domain of smart energy management technologies. Such regional Centre of Excellence that will emerge from SINERGY will concentrate its efforts around the efficient in-house use of newly acquired competences as well as the dissemination to national and regional stakeholders, coordination of regional research efforts and outreach towards both industrial and academic sector. In this way, SINERGY will draw attention to and raise awareness of this, still underdeveloped, research area in the Southeast of Europe, as well as contribute to the regional sustainable development by strengthening the regional capacity to undertake high impact R&D activities and bring them to the market. To accomplish these ambitious project goals, the strategic partnership and exchange of multidisciplinary “know-how” and competences have been agreed with two leading EU research institutions in domain, the Austrian Institute of Technology - AIT (Austria) and the National University of Ireland, Galway - NUIG (Ireland)


  • OB1: Strategic Partnership - Establishment and development of productive and fruitful long-term cooperation that continues after project completion.
  • OB2: Reinforcement of scientific and technology excellence of the linked institutions in domain of Smart energy management.
  • OB3: Cross-fertilization and aggregation of competences and experience related to the smart grid technologies and energy efficient building operation.
  • OB4: Organization of joint networking events for capacity building and spreading excellence throughout the widening country and the West Balkan/Southeast Europe region.
  • OB5: Awareness raising and promotion of newly established Centre of Excellence serving as a regional “point of reference” for Smart energy management.
  • OB6: Continuous assessment of the key-objectives achievement to ensure high quality of project results and defined cooperation strategy is followed.

Key information

Start date:  January 2021
End date: December 2023
Call: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020
Topic: WIDESPREAD-05-2020
Type of action: Coordination and support action
EU / H2020 Grant Agreement No.952140